Business Valuation
The valuation of a closely-held business may be necessary for estate planning, marital dissolution, business planning, gift tax purposes, shareholder dispute, or contemplated purchase or sale. When these events arise, it imperative to seek the expertise of a qualified and experienced valuation analyst to consider all factors impacting value, and apply the appropriate standards and methodologies to provide a supported value that withstands scrutiny.
Ari S. Harper, CPA, ABV, CFE, is Accredited in Business Valuation by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and has extensive experience appraising businesses from diverse industries for litigation, taxation, and consulting. Contact us for a consultation regarding the valuation needs of your closely held business interests.
Contact Us
6991 N. State Road 7 | Second Floor
Parkland, FL 33073
(561) 221-2219